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Why would users leave after an inflow via marketing?

The Complete 'Data-Driven UX' Course
Where you learned to derive meaningful insights

Data-Driven UX
Course Session

  • Course Session
    Jun 5, 2018 ~ Jun 14, 2018 (2 weeks)
  • Time/Date
    2PM ~ 5PM / Every Tuesday and Thursday
  • Required Materials
    Laptop, writing utensils
  • Venue
    Seongsu IT Center, Seongdong-gu, Seoul
    (recommended use of public transportation))
  • Contacts
Free 3-month Pro Plan Coupon worth ₩1.5 million! (until Jun 1)
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Service manager, who can build strategies based on UX but cannot be confident in his strategy

“As its high-involvement products, users would decide to purchase a product after long and careful consideration. We could put information in the image that would appeal to the users, to meet their needs.”

Strengthened data-based service design capacities

“Looking at this heatmap we could derive that users were more interested in reviews at the bottom of the page, rather than an image of the product details! We should reposition the review content and redesign the images.”

Marketer, who knows how to analyze metrics, but has trouble with testing statistical hypothesis.

“Analyzing funnels, we could discover that users tend to exit most in the product detail page. But we couldn't specify the reasons for the exit and how to improve UI.”

Improvement in reading metrics and building data-based strategies

“We could discover that users had trouble with finding the product they wanted via heatmap analysis. If we apply the filter function, we expect to increase the usability and decrease the exit rate.”

'Exit rate' itself does not tell you why the user left.

Do you know why so many users left the cart page?
Or why so many customers contact about the payment method?

From this course, you will get to read data to better understand the user behavior and craft user experience.
Now is the time to learn to derive data-based insights with Beusable Data-Driven UX Course

Sneak Peek

  • Question the Heatmap Analysis Result

    “Can I measure a page performance is poor, just based on the low scroll-reach rate?“
    “If hover counts of an element are high, can I assume that the content performance has high efficiency?”
  • Course Goals

    In order to understand user behavior accurately, cross-analysis of heat maps is necessary.
    In this course, you will learn to analyze users' behaviors, contents reach rate and efficiency, to better understand their interest and pain-points.


Lesson 1. Basics to Start Data Analysis (3 hours)
Day 1 (Tuesday, Jun 5, 2018)

Explains why heatmap analysis became important by reading the overall market environment. It also introduces the concept and principle of the heatmap. The first day focuses on how to cross-aggregate and analyze the click and move heatmaps.

Starting UX Data Analysis
  • Importance of UX data analysis
  • Understanding UX data analysis solution
  • Understanding Average Fold
  • Understanding fold
Case Study of Cross Heatmap Analysis
  • Before you start data analysis
  • Conduct business interviews to identify issues before analysis
  • What is a heatmap?
  • Understanding user behavior via heatmap analysis
    • Click heatmap analysis
    • Analyze users' interest and their final destination
    • Understanding invalid click
    • Understanding valid click
    • Understanding linked click
    • Understanding unlinked click
  • Move heatmap analysis - Understanding the user's gaze and their attention rate
Lesson 2. Discover the Issues via UX Analysis (3 hours)
Day 2 (Thursday, Jun 7, 2018)

Introduces the concept of click, move, scroll heatmap as well as attention graph and activity stream

Case Study of Cross Heatmap Analysis
  • Scroll heatmap analysis - Analyze the efficiency of the content
  • Analyze the cause of the scroll interruption and ways to enhance the UX
  • Attention graph analysis - Discover the content where the user tends to focus or skip
  • Cross analysis of attention graph and heatmap
  • Activity stream analysis - Understand how users navigate
  • Cross analysis of activity stream and heamap
Exercise: Heatmap Cross Analysis
  • Cross analyzing the heatmaps
Lesson 3. UX Data Analaysis Exercise (3 hours)
Day 3 (Tuesday, Jun 12, 2018)

If day 1 and 2 were laying the groundwork, from day 3 exercise of UX data analysis will be the main part of this lesson to strengthen your analytical skills.

Review: Heatmap Cross Analysis
  • Reviewing the heatmap cross-analysis with mobile device data
  • Analyze user navigation through segmentation
    • Comparing of referrers
    • Comparing of devices
    • Comparing of new vs. returning users
Exercise: Heatmap Cross Analysis
  • Measure if the page has been delivered as designed
  • Discover how to improve in GUI to increase conversion rate
  • Analyze the user navigation flow
  • Discover the cause of low content reach rate and make an enhancement
  • Analyze and increase the content performance
  • Build a strategy to meet KPI
Lesson 4. Applying the Results of UX Data Analysis (3 hours)
Day 4 (Thursday, Jun 14, 2018)

Gives you tips on how to apply the result of UX data analysis and share them within your organization

Applying the Outcome of the UX Analysis
  • Creating a data-based persona
    • Case study of content-optimization marketing based on persona
    • Exercise: Creating a data-based persona
Setting up a Data-Based User Journey Map
  • Exercise: How to write effective problem-solving UX Reports
    • Exercise: Writing a UX analysis report


Can I take the course without having any knowledge of data?
You will be able to understand the course without any knowledge of statistics or Google Analytics.

However, as the course does not cover what each metric indicates you should have a basic understanding of these metrics.
Is the course specified to a certain field of work?
Beusable Data-Driven UX Course is for anyone who has an interest in UX, from marketers to developers.
What can I get from this course?
In this course you will:

Get new professional knowledge of data-driven UX.
Learn how to cross analyze heatmap and metric to better understand user behavior.
Get to introduce data-based decision-making process for UX/UI enhancement.

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Sign up for the Course:
Get free 3-month Pro Plan Coupon
Gain invaluable training to
better understand heatmap analysis

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[ Registration & Payment ]
  • Online registration accepts payments via credit card and wire transfer.
  • An application is completed when the fee has been paid in full.
  • For the wire transfer, wire transaction has to be completed to confirm the application.
  • Registration is on a first come, first served basis.
    Registration will only be confirmed upon submission of the completed payment.
[ Coupons ]
  • Beusable Coupon will be provided on the last day of the lesson.
[ Information on the Course ]
  • A payment confirmation notice will be issued via text message.
  • Details on the venue and the time of the course will be emailed prior to seven days before the course commences. Also, additional notice will be sent via text message a day before the first lesson.
[ Online Access ]
  • This course does not provide any online lessons.
[ Refunds ]
  • A 100% refund is granted for withdrawal up to one day prior to the first lesson.
  • After a course has commenced, a student may apply for a partial refund for the lessons that
    were not undertaken.
  • The refund will be transferred to your registered account within 3 business days.
  • A student is eligible to withdraw the application after the refund has completed.
[ Contacts ]
  • For inquiries, contact us via 031-625-4398
  • Business Hours: 10 AM to 6 PM on weekdays..