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( 2024. 7. 1 ~ ) Report on Service Usage by Industries

CX Data Trend

Domain Total Number of Domains Registered in Beusable


Page Total Number of Pages Registered in Beusable


PV Cumulative Page Views (PV) from


PV Concentration Heatmap

The E-commerce & Retail Tech industry sees the
concentration of PVs on Wednesdays
between 10 and 11
By focusing on these peak
activity times, you can develop strategies
to effectively reach users when engagement is at its
10 AM ~ 11 AM

E-commerce & Retail Tech

The heatmap values show relative PV concentration,
with the peak time set to 100

49% Desktop
49.62% Phone

Domain Industry Distribution and User Device Proportion

The overall average device ratio across industries is similar, with Desktop at 49% and Phone at 49.62%.
However, when the ratio for a specific device is significantly higher, such as Desktop at 66.92% or Phone at 63.26%,
it becomes essential to consider device-specific ratios by industry and provide tailored support for each device environment.

Pages per Session

Overall, the average number of pages visited per session is relatively low at 2.24, indicating a need for UX improvements to encourage users to explore more pages. For industries where users tend to browse more than 3 pages, strategies to enhance user retention and satisfaction are essential.
Average 2.24

Average Session Duration

The average session duration is 78.24 seconds,
with the longest session duration recorded
at 95.96 seconds in a specific industry.
For industries with shorter session durations,
it is important to retain user interest
by improving content and UX.
78.24” Average
95.96” Highest value
1.375% Rollback
9.25% Refresh

Rollback and Refresh Rates

The average rates across all industries are 1.375% for rollback
and 9.25% for refresh. Relatively low rollback and refresh rates
can be interpreted as users feeling less need
to repeatedly check or revisit the page.

Proportion of New and Returning Users

The proportion of new users is 66 on average across all industries, higher than that of returning users. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize the initial experience to encourage new users to return.
Average 66%

Reach Rate by Sequence for New and Returning Users on Desktop

A sequence refers to the order in which users visit pages on a website. New users have an average reach rate of 21.86%
for the 1st sequence, dropping to 5.01% by the 6th,
a 77.08% decrease. Returning users start at 44.66% and
drop to 12.35%, a 72.35% decrease. This shows that
returning users navigate more sequences, but both groups
face significant drop-offs in later stages, highlighting
the need for strategies to boost engagement.
77.08% New Users
72.35% Returning Users
New Return
78.19% New Users
70.79% Returning Users

Reach Rate by Sequence for New and Returning Users on Phone

A sequence refers to the order in which users visit pages on a
website. For new users,
in the E-Commerce & Retail Tech industry,
the reach rate for the 1st sequence is 8.98%p higher and
for the 6th sequence, 3.53%p higher than the average for other
industries. This suggests that
E-Commerce & Retail Tech maintains
higher user engagement, while other industries may need
to redesign their user experience or adopt new strategies
to retain users in later sequences.
New Return

1st Sequence Drop-off Rate for New and
Returning Sessions on Desktop

It is observed that an average of 75.38% of new sessions drop off at the first sequence. While the drop-off rate for returning sessions is comparatively lower at 55.6%, more than half of users still leave, making it essential to optimize the user experience to
reduce the drop-off rate.
78.37% New Users
55.58% Returning Users

1st Sequence Drop-off Rate for New and
Returning Sessions on Phone

The average drop-off rate for the 1st sequence in new sessions is 78.37%, indicating that many users tend to leave quickly during their first visit. While the drop-off rate for returning sessions is lower at 70.9%, a significant number of users still leave during the initial sequence. This suggests that further improvements are needed to encourage greater engagement from returning users.
75.38% New Users
70.9% Returning Users

Overall Conversion Rate

The conversion rate indicates how consistently users navigate to the next page within a website. A high conversion rate suggests greater continuity in the customer journey. The overall average conversion rate across industries is 54.13%, with more than half of users moving to the next page.
In particular, the industry with the highest conversion rate reaches 67%, showing that users are actively exploring pages.
52.13% Average
67% Highest value
36.18% Desktop
30.29% Phone

Returning User Rate by Device

The overall average returning user rate for Phone is 30.29%,
which is lower than the Desktop average of 36.18%. This indicates
that users tend to revisit websites more frequently in the Desktop
environment. In the Phone environment, where the return rate is
relatively lower, additional strategies are needed
to encourage mobile users to revisit the site.